The Cultural North’s Office Plant Journey

Study after study shows that plants in the office can improve the workplace. They add (literal) life to the space, can improve productivity, make for beautiful office decor, and can even have a positive impact on air quality. So, as a collective group and after much deliberation (aka persuading and begging), we decided that The […]

Small Business Marketing Match Grant

Small business marketing match grant

Attention small business owners of Duluth, MN! In case you haven’t already heard, the Small Business Marketing Match Grant is officially accepting applications now through April 29th. This is a great opportunity for Duluthians looking for a way to grow there small business or help with getting a fairly new one off the ground. Keep […]

Client highlight: Wild State Cider

While we offer a variety of digital marketing services here at The Cultural North, one of our foundations is website development. For years, we’ve been working to provide our clients with beautiful, intentionally designed, and innovative websites. We’ve honed in our project process to ensure that the process runs smoothly and efficiently from start to […]

Top Hiking Trails in Duluth, MN

North shore view

The northland is riddled with hiking trails. So, if you’re looking for something to do it’s a great way to spend an afternoon, whether you’re an avid hiker or just dipping your toes in the water. Even if you’ve lived in Duluth, MN, your entire life, there’s probably a hiking trail or two that you […]

Fun Ways to Spend Summer in Duluth, MN

Duluth, MN, has a tragically long winter and an equally tragically short summer. So, we try to make the most of it while it’s still here. Whether you’re interested in trying out some great local restaurants, getting out on Lake Superior, or checking out some other great spot in the area, there’s a never-ending list […]

Everything Happening Over Grandma’s Marathon 2023 Weekend

marathon runners

Grandma’s Marathon is arguably one of the biggest events going on in Duluth, MN, over the summer. People from all over gather around to run along the north shore and the various festivities surrounding the event. Whether you’ve gone before or this is your first time, you may be curious about everything going on this […]

Destination Duluth: Celebrating 10 Years of Positive Growth

Duluth, MN, is more than just a city that sits on the edge of the almighty Lake Superior. It’s made up of a community of individuals who are committed to leaving our city better than we found it. One organization that works hard to improve our city as well as highlight everything that makes it […]

The Cultural North and Our Favorite Places to Eat Pizza in Duluth, MN

wood fired pizza

Duluth, MN, is a serious tourist destination location. Why? We sit perfectly on the edge of the vast, beautiful, and mighty Lake Superior with the historic lift bridge. We’re also situated near several amazing hiking trails, beautiful state parks, and the north shore scenic route, and have we a flourishing culture. One of our lesser-known […]

How to Create a Healthy Work Environment & Why it’s So Important

people looking at a laptop together

Has your company ever been described as “toxic”? Forbes notes that one of the biggest reasons people left their job in 2021 was because of a toxic working environment. Conversely, many people look to company culture when they are in the midst of a job hunt and many stay in their current positions because they love the […]

Project highlight: Bruckelmyer Brothers


Creating a new website looks a little different for every business. Whether you’re looking for a pre-built website or a completely customized website built from scratch, what you choose will be solely based on your needs. We want to make sure you have a good idea of what a custom-built website journey looks like when […]