Deal out the three Objective Cards. Read through them to select a core focus for our marketing efforts.
3. Initiatives
Deal out Initiative Cards and keep those that have the badge of the objective we chose.
Read through those cards to select the 2-4 most important and eliminate the rest.
4. Tactics
Deal out all Tactic Cards that match the funnel level on the back of the initiative. Eliminate the cards down to the final set that relate to your needs.
5. Budget
Place the budget cards on tactics—using Marketing Fuel to designate working with outside help, and Internal Energy to allocate hours put into by our team.
Total Marketing Budget
5b. Budget Allocation
Use this part of your budget on the tactics that require high expertise and availability that you don’t have.
Every 5% card is equal to
0 per month
Use this part of your budget on the tactics that require high expertise and availability that you don’t have.